Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

jeudi 11 octobre 2012

happy 21st

It is my 21st birthday.
I am fat
I am depressed
I am alone
There are only two things I want to do
And I can't do either of them
The one, because the person who I want here is not here
The second, due to the fact that same person is not here, but I promised I wouldn't do anything stupid
I already broke the one promise I said I wouldn't
So who really cares if I break the other one?
Nobody, because I am alone and he doesn't care anymore, because I made him not care.
I am sitting in my room crying on my birthday and Patrick is being so loud, I just want him and all his friends to shut the fuck up so I can sleep
I want to sleep forever.
I wish I could take back everything I said
But I know it would do no good
This was the right decision and I will have to live with it
Even if it kills me. 

mardi 31 juillet 2012

I'm back

I am back. 
I don't know why I left. 
Self discovery. Self hatred. I'm not sure. 
I feel rattled, lost, confused and an emotional train wreck.
I am talking to my boyfriend about everything, I am not sure it is helping
I am taking my medication and I feel like it is just making me emotionally whacked out
I have no idea why I am writing again
I looked at thinspo and my heart almost leapt out of my chest with longing. I don't think that I have ever wanted something like that so much in that kind of way
I don't know what to think. If I hadn't taken my meds recently, maybe I would go puke. maybe I wouldn't. I think I am lost and I don't know where to turn to. 

lundi 26 mars 2012

Back to business

Ok, so this blog has gotten so off track,
I have gotten SO off track.
let'S get back to business
Intake to date:
oatmeal- 120 cals
coffee + stevia + benefibre- 5 cals
Piece of gum- 3 cals
total: 127 cals to date

weight today:
99+ 28.8

but I am back on track
getting in touch with pt girls again,
going to work out more
let's get thin

I was on the worst b/p cycle but now it's time to buck up
I miss the feeling of collar bones
I am so scared to get better, I don't want to,
so I am going to get thin again.
'Too much school work' is no excuse.
I'll update my intake tonight before I go to sleep


jeudi 22 mars 2012

i swear i am trying

holy fuck I am seriously going to kill something
we talked about Israel and hoq they created a law against too skinny modes. the kids started spewing bullshit ideas about how its suuch a good thing to promote health and decrease eating disorders.
I actually lost my cool.
I said it was discriminatory (youre too skinny, but we dont say youre too fat? are you kidding me, SUCH BULLSHIT( and then I ranted and raved (in my journal) about how ED's don't revolve around models and shit
its a mental illness.
it might start by seeing them (models)and using them as thinspo, but its so much more than that
we are sick people. we are not well. we have issues that we are going through that make us starve ourselves, cut ourselves, puke our guts out

it makes me so sad that people dont understand EDs and that I can't say anything about about it, because of all of the judgement I will receive and how it will wreck my plans completely.
Its not fair and I hate this

my besties brought me tim hortons today, chai tea latté + blueberry bagel w cream cheese.
all I want to do is puke and this talk about ed'S and models makes me need to do it.
I'm gonna skip bio, read the book and puke until I see blood and cant breathe anymore

three cheers for being pathetic


lundi 19 mars 2012

it ends tonight

I feel so empty but so full
I have been crying for far too long
I am done being emotional
and a fat cow
I got the job and my student loans came through
so things are looking up
now to pass bio
but really,
I justwant to get payed so I can order those pills and get skinny andbe happy with my body
I wonder if you'll ever read this again,
or if you really have wiped me out of your life
not a day, nor an hour goes by that I dont think of you
when will this torture end
I want to slit my wrists
I have a very sharp knife here
but I promised myself I wouldnt die until I was at least under 99 pounds,
because I dont want to die the fat chick


dimanche 11 mars 2012

how depressing

I haven't written in forever. And I totally give up on life.
I'm fat as fuck
I just want to cut my life away
and puke it away
I have 9.35$ in my bank account
and that is it
it's bullshit.
I'm going to sleep, wake up early and then do my hair, study for my interview
and then rock it
because if I don't get this job
I am actually going to quit school and go live at home in a hole to help my family
Or better yet, just die. I've actually always wanted to hang myself.
But you can't just youtube 'how to tie a proper noose' and I don't think I have a proper place to hang it
but those are excuses. I am going to go write my suicide notes now, just in case, because you never know what will happen.
We find out on friday if we got the job.
I just seriously want to die.
going to go spend my last 9$ on chips and chocolate. and eat/puke my life away, after I write my suicide note and then sleep.

dimanche 26 février 2012

I'm a mess, but who gives a flying fuck

shall I puke?
shall I cut?
shall I cry?
My skills are telling me to talk to somebody
I want to talk to somebody
instead of cut myself up
but my heart is telling me to stop talking and sharing emotions and to just cut cut cut
until I can'T see my stomach anymore
and to puke puke puke
until I pass out, or cough up only blood

decisions decisions,
I don'T know which one to make

Disney always says to follow your heart,
motivational speakers say to follow your dreams,
decisions decisions



I wasted two years of my life
trying to get better
for somebody
who can't be with me anymore
because I am a sad, fat person.
What is the point of being healthy
if you hate yourself
and nobody likes you either?


jeudi 26 janvier 2012

one of those nights

our song came on
and it made me think of you
and I miss you more than words can say
this is where this all stems from
i know it
but i wont face it
i cant
its just so fucked up
but on a positive note
if i die before i pay back my student loans,
it dissappears (my family doesnt pay them)
which is really good to know

lundi 23 janvier 2012


I have nothing to say anymore
life is good
and I just want to destroy it all
that is so fucked up
I'm so fucked up


vendredi 20 janvier 2012

oh violet...

I don't care how pretty you used to be
or that we were best friends
(ok I do care. a ton, but that is besides the point)
you are fat now.
chunkier than I am
and it makes me smile so much
but at the same time,
I just wish you would get skinny again
because you are so much prettier skinny
(also, I say this every year, but I am so so sorry)


lundi 16 janvier 2012


I'm gonna live off mints
and gum
and coffee
and tea
for the rest of my life
and be miserable, because that is what I fucking deserve
fucking pathetic


jeudi 5 janvier 2012

New Year New...

So I am back from Costa Rica and my vacations
and though I enjoyed almost every second of them,
I am glad to be home, to get re-focused and get back to the daily grind
I will probably be making a new blog here soon,
I feel like I'm not the person I was when I started this one anymore
I dunno, we'll see