Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

mardi 5 novembre 2013

No binge November

Tried on a dress I wore two years ago when I was at my lowest. 
Got into it.
But now I can't get out. haha (roommate is going to die laughing trying to help me)
Have a christmas party to go to in 24 days. I am determined to fit into this dress perfectly by then.
It will keep me motivated. 
had a chocolate, a handful of chocolate chips and 4 coffees today.
Going to make myself some tea, have a super tiny supper (my grandmother is in town) 
and then go tan and work out. 
I will lose an extreme amount of weight these next three weeks so when I am seen at the party,
I will be the pretty, tanned, tall, fit, skinny girl that my friend deserves to have by his side.
November will be a good month. 
It has to be. 


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