Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

jeudi 16 juin 2011

i didnt kill myself, I just od'd

wristcutters:a love story
was a neat story (click HERE for clip)
and im not sure how i feel about it
I am pretty sure I am suffering a mild psychotic break
and my therapist isnt returning my calls
and my boyfriend is napping
and my teachers hate me
and I am fat
and nobody reads this blog anymore
i just feel really alone and confused
and there was a story in chicken soup for the teenage soul on love and freindship
that i havent read in a long time
about two girls and a broken friendship, and how i used to think that was us, that is could be mended
but I was wrong. and theres nothing special. theres no fairy tale ending for me
stuck in a halfway house
not strong enough to move forward
not weak enough to go back
im so confused and lonely and I just don't know about anything anymore
I can feel my brain slipping. I don't know what to do
and I'm scared.
scared i will do it, scared I won't, scared that plans will go too awry.
'When there's a trap set up for you
In every corner of this town
And so you learn the only way to go is underground'

1 commentaire:

  1. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad.
    I also have days when i cry over the past and feel like an utter failure because i still can't get over it, and i don't see any future for myself, then i feel lost and numb, which leads to self-harm, and then i cry myself to sleep. But there's always a new day. And it gives me hope.
    Please, don't give up! One day everything will be alright.
    Stay strong ♥
