Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

dimanche 14 août 2011

For a moment, just a moment, I belong

Sometimes I forget to breathe. I sit there and just then all of a sudden I think 'I am not breathing'
I saw a girl at the mall with the tiniest legs. She was just a sack of bones. Maybe 60 pounds at my height?
She was gorgeous
I want to be her, I want to be too tired to move but do it anyway
I don't want to get out of bed.
I am going to do an abc diet type thing for the next two weeks because I always enjoy planning out what to eat according to calorie limits that I write down
And ABC is a fun little break that helps shed some pounds.
Hopefully Marcus doesn't get angry for it
He is being more supportive now. We went grocery shopping (yes, me. I went into a grocery store and didn't cry or break down!!) and we only got healthy food (veggies, yogurt, oatmeal, meat for him etc) and he even put the chips back when I said no!
So abc should be ok
I hope everyone is having a good weekend


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