Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Why do you have tampons? "I get really bad nosebleeds"

After my drug fandango, I now get nose bleeds every time I purge
It doesn't bug me too too terribly, but it's quite annoying
I have nothing else to report really,
Still at the same weight, went to the gym, doing homework
Sometimes I feel like if I was dead, my family would be less stressed( 100% true)
And then I realize that everybody's life would be better if my BPD went away and I was fat
Then I say, no, just the BPD can leave, I'm fine with my ED, we're best friends.
My therapist is back Tuesday, yay!
For my english class, we had to write a persuasive essay on a controversial topic, I chose pro-ana websites, but I wrote it in such a way that you can't tell that I have an ED. win? maybe.
I'll blog when I have something interesting to say,


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