Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

lundi 18 juillet 2011

The moon gravitates around you

I added my stats to my blog.
To remind myself of how crap I've been for the past two weeks.
back up 6 pounds.
barfbarf. I could blame it on bloating and not going to the bathroom enough
But really, It is because I am just a huge disappointment.
That is precisely why I took my comments off.
I couldn't bear the thought of judgements
or imagined judgements.
I am swollen head to toe. This poundage is just water retention and all that other gross stuff I decided.
anyway, ya, stats will be changed every time I lose/gain. I promise.
No lying here, there's no point.
honestly:I am seriously craving mango icecream+pistachios. Only because I am siting round doing nothing.

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