Bienvenue à mon cerveau.
Welcome to my brain.

lundi 4 juillet 2011

Pretty women

my food bag is all packed, the contents are as followed:
-4 teas (peppermint, earl grey, green, blueberry pomegranate)
-a box of chai tea
-3 different broths
-low cal mocha flavouring
-4 packets of low sugar oatmeal
-box of poptarts
I believe I am set for the next week at least. I really like being food poor and not being able to mooch off Marcus's roommate
Some days I feel useless, some days I feel useful, today I feel lazy. Packing, but never feeling fully prepared, feel like I will forget something. I hope I don't, but I probably will. I have my kindle and my phone, my pjs and my dresses, my heels and my flats and my scale and my hair straightener. What am I missing? Who knows
I need to weigh myself tomorrow, I am pretty sure I gained, I feel bloated and I can see a double chin. I hope I didn't go over 99+16. I'm such a poor excuse of a girl


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